Saturday, February 26, 2011

Birthday party ideas

Our son is about to turn two and my brain is trying to get into party mode. The great news is that we've had considerable success with some party foods. If anyone has more ideas, please let me know!

Sweet William dairy free chocolate! These come in handy little packs and are packed full of calories :-) Our son's record is two packs in one sitting. You would think chocolate gets messy, but our son seems to lick his fingers totally clean!

Aeroplane Jelly - strawberry, orange and lime flavours have all been officially tested over a few days and no adverse effects. I'm thinking traffic light jelly cups.

Popcorn - either covered with melted Nuttelex or perhaps caramel.

Fruit kebabs - skewered fruit with possibly a toffee coating, depending how much time we have in the morning of the party.

And of course the main event... one motorbike birthday cake coming up!


  1. Ooo sounding really good! Lots of creative effort :) will you be providing all the dishes?! Want us to bring the unopened popcorn maker?

  2. How wonderful to have friends who understand the complications of allergies. Yes, we'd love you to bring your unopened popcorn maker for us to use! Nothing like a wrapping of plastic to be sure there's no dairy or nut contamination. Thanks Mei!

  3. thank you for the information provided, we are waiting for the next info
